Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An insight into this blog (Oh Hai There)

I have created this blog with the intent of reviewing several various forms of media, consulting with various people about media, and hopefully interviewing low-level personalities in various medias. I will have to backlog things, then I will attempt to stay current (as time, money, and my general care allow).

I will have a review of three types of media appearing fairly regularly. In order of regularity:

Video Games & Music
Literature (shut up, the title is a little misleading)

So, I will have my first reviews set up as follows:

(Within 6/9-6/16) - [Video Game] - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
(Within 6/17-6/23) - [Music] - Defeated Sanity's "Chapters of Repugnance"
(Sometime forthwith) - Some Undecided Film

So, hi everyone (maybe one or two people possibly?) -

~ My name's Joe R. and I am a 16 (verging on 17) year old student focusing on math(s depending on region :P ) and sciences. I plan on studying either Civil or Mechanical Engineering in college. I love various video game and music genres. My personal favorites are RPGs and Death Metal, respectively. I'm a budding programmer and musician, and hoping to start a little side-project thing with a full-on programmer friend as a Writer/Composer for an 80's style DOS-RPG running on BASIC and ASCII formats. Yep, I want to make Ultima or Wizardry, but with a much lower barrier-to-entry and release it via (either) mobile phone or PSN/XBLA. So, if you hear anything about a modern day re-telling of an 80's RPG, you (might) know who did it.

Signing off, Joe R.

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